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Issue 73

by Richard Meckien - published Nov 19, 2013 04:25 PM - - last modified Jan 05, 2016 05:11 PM

IASs: Science and Society

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The Growth of Institutes for Advanced Study

Peter Goddard





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Mapping the world of UBIAS

Werner Frick, Carsten Dose and Anna Ertel



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Fascinating diversity of outlooks

Carsten Dose




Ricardo Wahrendorff Caldas

CEAM: Breaking paradigms for 25 Years

Ricardo Wahrendorff Caldas and George Henrique de Souza Coelho





Guilhermo Juan Creus

ILEA-UFRGS (Latin-American Institute for Advanced Study, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)

Guillermo J. Creus



Pedro Paulo Funari

The Center of Advanced Studies at Unicamp: Objectives and prospects

Pedro Paulo A. Funari and Renato Pedrosa




Dianne Newell

Where Converging Minds Freely Explore: Locating the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies

Dianne Newell



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Challenges and opportuni­ties for IASs – a perspective from Central and Eastern Europe

Andrew Sors



Alain Peyraube

The Colegium de Lyon (Institute of Advanced Studies)

Alain Peyraube




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Fudan-IAS: Emphasis on Cross-Disciplinary Approaches

Zhenglai Deng




USP’s youngest Institute

Study Group



Carlos Guilherme Mota - Perfil

An Institute of Advanced Studies: How so?

Carlos Guilherme Mota





Jacques Marcovitch - Perfil

Advanced Studies at the University

Jacques Marcovitch





Umberto Cordani - Perfil

Internationalization of the IEA

Umberto G. Cordani





Gerhard Malnic

The IAS and the creation of an Intellectual Council at USP

Gerhad Malnic




Sérgio Mascarenhas - Perfil

Creation and establishment of the IEA in São Carlos

Sérgio Mascarenhas and Yvonne Primerano Mascarenhas




Oswaldo Baffa Filho

The IEA Center and its contribution to Ribeirão Preto

Oswaldo Baffa Filho and André Lucirton Costa




Alfredo Bosi

The Estudos Avançados journal

Alfredo Bosi





César AdesInstitute of Advanced Studies at the University of São Paulo (IEA): commitments

César Ades





Adilson Avansi de Abreu

Coordination and role of the Museums of the University of São Paulo (1990-2010)

Adilson Avansi de Abreu




texto rev 6 - ft 01Museum of Zoology of the University of São Paulo: adapting to changing times

Maria Isabel Landim





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History and perspectives of the Museum of Archeology e Ethnology of USP (1964-2011)

Maria Isabel D’Agostino Fleming and Maria Beatriz Borba Florenzano



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Paulista Museum at USP: History and challenges

Cecilia Helena de Salles Oliveira



texto rev 9 - ft01Art, USP and the coming­-to-be of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC)

Tadeu Chiarelli