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Prosperity without Growth - A Good Life on a Finite Planet

by Richard Meckien - published Dec 03, 2013 10:13 AM - - last modified Sep 19, 2019 09:59 AM

The way natural resources are being used by modern society due to the consumerism and the imperative of economic growth has been the theme of the conference held by economist Tim Jackson. The event also served to launch the Portuguese version of the book 'Prosperity without Growth - A Good Life on a Finite Planet', written by the economist.


Tim Jackson
(Universtiy of Surrey)

Samuel de Abreu Pessôa
Ricardo Abramovay (FEA)

Pedro Roberto Jacobi
(USP's Faculty of Education and IEA)

10/30/13 12:00 AM

93 minutes.

FEA 1 - Room E-1, USP, São Paulo.