Why Science needs more than Interdisciplinarity
"It seems like they are trying to eliminate the humanities because there is an idea that apparently this field does not bring much money or many students to the institutions. This is the worst direction we could take. There is a crisis in the way we deal with the humanities and we should change it."
The quote by chronobiologist Till Roenneberg seeded his conference on interdisciplinarity given at the Waseda Institute for Advanced Studies (WIAS) during the 1st Intercontinental Academia (ICA). Invited by the IEA to revisit the presentation of the ICA, the scientist from the Institute of Medical Psychology at Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) gave the conference Why Science needs more than Interdisciplinarity.
Martin Grossmann
Till Roenneberg
IEA - Institute of Advanced Studies of University of São Paulo
129 minutes.
IEA-USP's Events Room
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