IEA-USP expresses appreciation and support to Renato Janine for his contribution as Minister of Education
In a meeting held on October 9, the Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the USP approved the support to Professor Renato Janine Ribeiro due to his dismissal from the post of Minister of Education in late September.
In this grave moment for the country, the fact that Professor Renato Janine Ribeiro has resigned brings this Board to unanimously consider the expression of its full support to the illustrious philosopher, professor at the University and former advisor of the Institute imperative.
Besides emphasizing the work he has performed as minister, we want to reinforce, once again, our pride in having his name linked to our Institute. His irreproachable conduct as an active and permanently critical intellectual dignifies our University and magnifies Brazil, which was evident during his presence at the Ministry of Education.