Beatriz Barbuy is a new Board member of the IEA-USP
Astrophysicist Beatriz Leonor Silveira Barbuy, professor at USP’s Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG), is a new Board member of the IEA-USP. Appointed in July by president Marco Antônio Zago, she will fill the position in the Governing Council that was opened with the end of the tenure of sociologist Sedi Hirano, from the School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences (FFLCH).
Barbuy graduated in Physics from the University of São Paulo and earned a master’s degree in Astronomy from the IAG and a Ph.D. in Astrophysics from the Université de Paris VII (France). She is a full professor at the IAG, where she has taught for over 30 years, and was a visiting researcher at the Lick Observatory (United States), the Institute for Astronomy (UK) and the European Southern Observatory in Garching bei München (Germany), and worked regularly at the Observatoire de Paris (France). Barbuy coordinated the project “Evolution of Stars and Galaxies in the Age of Large Telescopes: Implementation of Instruments for SOAR and Gemini” for FAPESP and the Milênio Institute. She is member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), the Academie des Sciences and the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). His studies focus on spectroscopy, color‑magnitude diagrams, globular clusters, population synthesis and stellar evolution.
From 2001 to 2005, she played an important role in a program hosted by the European Southern Observatory, which investigated the formation of the first stars, more than 10 billion years ago, and obtained detailed information on their chemical composition.
In 2009, Barbuy was named one of 100 most influential Brazilians by Época magazine. In the same year, she was one of five recipients of the L’Oréal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science.