Gender relations and democracy in focus
The deficit of women’s participation in contemporary political systems, and the importance of gender relations for the quality of democracy in Brazil and the world will be covered by Italian sociologist Mino Vianello in the seminary “Gender, Power and Democracy”, to be held by IEA-USP’s Quality of Democracy Research Group on February 25, at 5 pm, in the institute’s Event Room.
Coordinator of the project "Gender, Power and Democracy”, Vianello is professor emeritus in Economic Sociology from the Faculty of Statistics of the Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, and focuses his research on the emergence of women as active subjects in public life.
The discussant will be Teresa Sacchet, who holds a PhD in Political Science from USP and is member of the Center for USP’s Center for Public Policy Research (NUPPs), where she conducts research on democracy and exclusion, political parties, gender and political representation, quotas, feminist political theory, and campaign financing.
The coordination of the meeting will be led by José Álvaro Moisés, professor of the Department of Political Science at USP’s Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH), scientific director of NUPPs and coordinator of IEA-USP’s Quality of Democracy Research Group.
Free and open to the public, the seminar will be held in Spanish without translation, and will be broadcast live over the web.
During his stay in Brazil, Vianello will also participate in the third edition of the talkshow “A Qualidade da Democracia em Questão”, which will take place on February 24, at 5 pm. The sociologist will be interviewed by Moisés and by political scientist Carlos Alberto de Melo, professor of the Institute of Education and Research (Insper), associate researcher at NUPPs and member of IEA-USP’s research group.
The program is produced by IEA-USP’s Quality of Democracy Research Group together with NUPPs and in partnership with Uversita – Universidade Aberta (Open University) for live streaming.