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Intercontinental Academia launches a documentary on the Nagoya phase of the program's first edition

by Richard Meckien - published Feb 01, 2018 01:40 PM - - last modified Jun 16, 2020 02:44 PM
Rights: Original version in Portuguese by Mauro Bellesa.

Vídeo da fase Nagoya da Intercontinental Academia sobre o "tempo"A documentary on the Nagoya phase of the first edition of the Intercontinental Academia was recently published on the project's website.

With the theme 'Time,' the edition has gathered 13 young participating researchers in two meetings that took place at the IEA-USP in April 2015 and at the University of Nagoya's Institute for Advanced Research (IAR) in March 2016. The documentary of the São Paulo phase is also available on the website. A third film that compiles both phases will also be released.

The 12-minute long video reporting the activities held in Nagoya presents testimonials of the majority of the young researchers on the importance of the interdisciplinary dialogue regarding the concepts of time. They also talk about the production of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on 'Time' as the final outcome of the initiative. The other testimonials are from Hisanori Shinohara, director of the IAR, and Martin Grossmann, director of IEA during the São Paulo phase of the project, both members of the Senior Committee of this first edition.

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The Intercontinental Academia is an initiative of the University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study network (UBIAS). The partnership between the IEA and the IAR for the inauguration of the project has been sponsored by Itaú Cultural and supported by five institutions: FAPESP, CNPq, the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (WIAS) and the Center for Advanced Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. The edition also featured Coursera (where the MOOC will be available soon) as a partner.

The project is currently in the final preparations for the start of the third edition, whose theme is 'Laws: Rigidity and Dynamics,' with meetings at the Institute of Advanced Studies at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in March 2018 and at the University of Birmingham's Institute for Advanced Studies in March 2019.

The second edition was entitled 'Human Dignity' and was held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Israel Institute of Advanced Studies in March 2016, and at at University of Bielefeld's Center for Interdisciplinary Research in August of the same year.