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Intercontinental Academia: new open call deadline announced

by Rafael Borsanelli - published Jul 15, 2014 04:15 PM - - last modified Jul 21, 2014 09:19 PM

The application period for the Intercontinental Academia has been extended to August 17. This project is an initiative of Ubias and aims to promote scientific and cultural exchange between institutions and young researchers around the world.

Time was chosen as the main theme, since its concept is usually different in each area of knowledge, whether in the humanities or in natural sciences. For a comprehensive overview of the impacts of these ideas in science and culture in general, there must be an academic dialogue among people that work with different concepts of time.

Two meetings of immersion are planned to occur in March 2015, at the University of São Paulo, and in January 2016, at the Nagoya University, besides other activities during this period.

Those interested in applying should be aged up to 40, hold a PhD or post-doctorate (completed or in progress) in any field of knowledge and be fluent in English. A letter of interest and a updated curriculum, both in English, should be sent to one of the Ubias members. The IEA-USP will receive the letters until the 7th of August, when the pre-selection process starts.

More information on the Intercontinental Academia:
