Marina Silva inaugurates a course on the Amazon
Politician and environmentalist Marina Silva |
Politician and environmentalist Marina Silva, affiliated to the party PSB and to Rede Sustentabilidade (Sustainability Network), and candidate for the national presidency in 2010 and in 2014, will be one of the exhibitors at the opening of the course "Dialogues on the Amazon in Contemporaneity: Atelier of Ideas and Proposals". The IEA-USP will host the event on April 14, at 2 pm.
This first class will focus Public Policies, Deforestation and Land Management. Besides Marina, the event will count on other important exhibitors: Neli Aparecida de Mello-Théry, a professor at USP's School of Arts, Science and Humanities (EACH), and coordinator of IEA-USP's Public Policies, Territoriality and Society Research Group, Luiz Carlos Beduschi Filho, a professor at USP's Institute for Energy and Environment (IEE), and member of the group coordinated by Mello-Théry, and João Paulo Capobianco, from the Democracy and Sustainability Institute (IDS).
The main objective of the course is the multidisciplinary training on topics that are relevant to the understanding of the current context of the Amazon. The organizers are IEA-USP's Public Policies, Territoriality and Society Research Group, the IEE and the IDS.
The event will be broadcast live on the web.