Minister of Education will participate in the Intercontinental Academia
The first meeting of the Intercontinental Academia (ICA) will start on April 17. In addition to the previously planned activities, the programme now includes a workshop on the university of the future with Renato Janine Ribeiro, Minister of Education and IEA-USP's member of the scientific committee for the ICA. This will take place on April 24. Janine will also meet with the young researchers that will join the project and will participate of the opening cocktail, on April 17.
Both the meetings with Janine and the scientific activities - such as scientific and cultural tours, conferences, debates etc. - will be for guests only. However, the conference will be broadcast live on the web.
A further discussion on the future of the university will be attended by the presidents of Brazilian universities and international guests. It will also take place on April 24, at 3 pm, at the University Council room. The sessions will be held in English, but with simultaneous translation.
To learn more about the ICA, please visit
The detailed schedule can be found below.
April 17
7 pm
Cocktail and Opening (for oficial participants and other guests)
with Brazilian minister Renato Janine Ribeiro (Education), José E. Krieger (Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa USP), Hernan Chaimovich (CNPq), Dapeng Cai (University of Nagoya) and Martin Grossmann (IEA)
Venue: USP's School of Medicine (map)
April 18
8:30 am
Scientific & cultural tour: USP and Modernist São Paulo
with Martin Grossmann, Paulo Saldiva and Hugo Segawa
Itinerary: The Independence Park (USP's Paulista Museum and USP's Zoology Museum) > Dom Pedro II Park > Palace of Industries > Republic Square > Municipal Theater > Copam Building > USP's “Maria Antonia” University Center [listening session by Prof. Eduardo Monteiro] > USP's School of Architecture and Urbanism (Maranhão Building) > USP's School of Medicine > Paulista Avenue > 23 de Maio Avenida > USP's Museum of Contemporary Art (Ibirapuera Park) [NuSom performance coordinated by Prof. Fernando Iazzetta]
Eduardo Monteiro's performance:
Alexandre Levy’s piano works, of unquestionable quality, remain mostly unknown to musicians and to the general public. This brief recital is part of the project “The Piano Works of Alexander Levy (1864-1892): Concerts and CD Recordings,” which aims to help make this São Paulo-born composer more well-known – the sesquicentennial of his birth was celebrated in 2014 – through studies, concerts and recordings of this repertoire. The compositions are performed by graduate and undergraduate students from the Piano Laboratory of USP’s School of Communication and Arts.
NuSom's audiovisual performance:
In this performance the Ensemble NuSom will present artworks that are part of recent research projects developed by the group. After the performance they will make a short presentation about their work towards connecting academic research and artistic creation. NuSom is the Research Centre on Sonology.
Miroir I (dur: 6 min)
Alessandra Bochio, Felipe Castellani, Rogério Costa
LateDelay (dur: 12 min)
Fernando Iazzetta, Lílian Campesato
April 19
8:30 am
Scientific & cultural tour: peripheries <> centralities (part 1)
with Ana Lydia Sawaya, Fernando Aith, Sylvia Dantas and Suzana Pasternak
Itinerary: Center of the city / "Pateo do Collegio" / USP's Law School > Kantuta Square (Canindé neighborhood) > Pacaembu neighborhood > Vila Medeiros neighborhood
12 pm
Lunch at Mocotó
with Rodrigo de Oliveira
2 pm
Scientific & cultural tour: peripheries <> centralities (part 2)
with: Ana Lydia Sawaya, Fernando Aith, Sylvia Dantas and Suzana Pasternak
Itinerary: campus of USP Leste > Jardim Matarazzo neighborhood / CREN - Center for Recovery and Nutritional Education
April 20
8:30 am
Master class with José Goldemberg
The 80 years of the University of São Paulo: a critical review
10:30 am
Talk with Matthew Kleban
Cosmic History and Time’s Arrow
Kleban will begin by outlining what we know of the cosmological history of the universe. He will discuss theories of the big bang - whether it was the “beginning” of time, or whether there were events that preceded it - and their implications for the ultimate fate of the universe. Lastly, he will discuss the “arrow” of time - why there is a difference between past and future - and how this difference relates to cosmology.
2 pm
Talk with Laymert Garcia dos Santos
Myth and Technoscience in Transcultural Amazonas
The talk will focus on the transcultural experiment of conceiving and staging a multimedia opera whose subject is the Amazonian rainforest as seen from the shamanistic and the technoscientific perspectives.
4 pm
Talk with René Nome
Playing with Time in Chemistry
Technological developments allowing us to observe molecules in real time will be summarized. Along the way, several examples of how we play with time in chemistry will be presented.
6 pm
Talk with Eliezer Rabinovici
Constructing Time In Physics- Attempts
How physicists have been attempting to come to grips with the experience of a time and it's flow. This will involve glimpses at the concepts discovered and developed to study large and small time scales. Such ideas includes Unified theories and String theory. This lecture will be at a popular level while touching upon basic problems in Physics.
April 21
9:30 am
Talk with Sami Pihlström
Time and Eternity
A brief philosophical talk on the philosophy of time from this specific perspective, with a connection to the philosophy of religion.
10:30 am
Talk with Carolina Escobar
Adjustment to temporal cycles and the dangers of disrupted biological rhythms
Organisms living on Earth are exposed to geographical cycles which require rhythmic adjustments in behavior and physiology in order to anticipate these cyclic changes. In this talk temporal cycles and their impact on individuals will be discussed, as well as the mechanisms that allow temporal adaptation. Next, the relevance of a correct synchrony between the biological timing and the external cycles will be discussed as a factor for health and wellbeing. Finally experimental models for temporal disruption will be presented and the results obtained with such models indicating the loss of homeostasis and of behavioral adaptation.
2 pm
Talk with Ruud Buijs
The timing of brain and body physiology
In our conversation I will aim to cover the mechanisms that our brain is using to synchronize our physiology to the requirements of the day. The importance of such synchronization for our health has been demonstrated in many different studies. The first task of our brain is that it needs to take care of itself, for that it has an elaborate system that provides it continuously with information about the state of our body. Naturally the state of energy in our body is of the utmost importance because our brain uses up to 20% of the available energy most in the form of glucose. Only if that is available in sufficient amounts then the brain can think of reproducing itself. Because the available energy depends for all organisms on the energy of the sun many systems have developed that take into account the day night cycle and thus the availability of food. This appears to be the main organizational principle in most organisms. Therefore we will see a very close association between time energy and physiology. Therefore time is important for the functioning temperature regulation, reproduction, metabolism, circulation and immune system. Therefore the mechanisms of this interweaving of time with these different physiological systems will be the topic of our conversation.
4 pm
Talk with Hideyo Kunieda
Time in Astronomy
How time is related to astronomy, specially discussing time delay surrounding the black holes (the effect of the general theory of relativity)
6 pm
Talk with Till Roenneberg
Circadian behaviour and sleep in the real world
April 22
8:30 am
Talk mediated by Vera Imperatriz Fonseca with Tiago Quental and Luiz Gylvan Meira Filho
Earth's time and the Anthropocene
Tiago Quental - The dynamics and drivers of biodiversity in geological time
The history of biodiversity is characterized by a recurrent extinction of species and by a continual replacement of different branches in the tree of life. This replacement dynamics is ultimately determined by changes in speciation and extinction rates. The fossil record offers an unprecedented opportunity to understand the deep time history of biodiversity because it directly preserves this unfolding dynamics. Here I will present how we can use the fossil record of mammals to discuss the history of biodiversity and the potential factors that might drive changes in speciation and extinction rates at a geological time scale. I show that the wax and wane in diversity has a deterministic component, that the decline of diversity is equally controlled by a failure to originate a new species as by a rise in extinction rate, and that biotic interactions might be equally relevant as climate change on controlling changes in biodiversity at deep time.
Luiz Gylvan Meira Filho - Time scales of and climate change
Climate is defined as the statistics of the variables that describe the instantaneous state of the climate system (atmosphere, oceans and biosphere). The use of proxy variables allows us to retrace the history of the main climate variables as far back as 70 million years before present. A summary of our presente knowledge will be presented, showing variability of climate in all time scales. Of particular interest is the history of atmospheric carbono dioxide concentration and temperature over the last eight hundred thousand years, which are closely correlated, the records over the past twelve thousand years, called the Holocene of Anthropocene, when civilization developed. In the recente period since the industrial revolution, human activities resulted in the emission of carbono dioxide and other greenhouse gases in a time scale shorter than that of the natural feedback mechanisms; This inbalance of time scales is driving the global climate into regions of the phase space not occupied before.
10:30 am
Talk with Karl-Heinz Kohl
Concepts of time across the cultures: an anthropological view
What people understand by “time” – if an equivalent to the English term exists at all – is always culturally embedded. How time is conceptualized depends strongly from each society’s mode of production and forms also a central part of its religious worldview. In my paper, I will compare the linear time concept of modern industrial societies to the time concepts of early agrarian, pastoral and hunter-gatherer societies to show the differences as well as some surprising similarities.
2 pm
Wrap-up of the four previous talks
4 pm
Talk with Course Success Team of Coursera
6 pm
Talk with Takao Kondo
Circadian clock: Chronometry of living organism to live on the Earth
As we depend on mechanical/electrical clock, living organisms have accurate chronometer in the cells to fit their life to the 24 hour cycle in environment of the Earth. Kondo will report recent progress of the biochronometry and discuss it with chronometer that our industry developed to understand a principle of time of the day.
April 23
8:30 am
Resting day with social-cultural activities
April 24
10 am
Workshop with Brazilian Minister of Education, Renato Janine Ribeiro (for oficial participants and other guests)
The University of the future
3 pm
The Future of the Universities
with Marco A. Zago, Carlos Vogt, Naomar de Almeida Filho, Luiz Bevilacqua, John Heath and Klaus Capelle. Debaters: Helena B. Nader and Marcelo Knobel. Moderation: Sabine Righetti
6 pm
Report by Marcelo Knobel
April 25
8:30 am
Talk with Leopold Nosek
Time and subjectivity
10:30 am
2 pm
Talk with Till Roenneberg about his experience with Coursera
Circadian clocks: how rhythms structure life
4 pm
Raising questions
6 pm
Talk with Vera Lucia Imperatiz-Fonseca
Biodiversity and Global Policies
April 26
8:30 am
Raising questions
2 pm
6 pm
Talk with Regina P. Markus
STOP, STOP... A necessary pause in the flow of time
The crosstalk on synchronization of the internal and environmental time is an universal concept and is associated to adaption of life on earth. Gene clocks, special neuronal pathways and hormonal outputs regulate and sinchronize all the biological funcions, and the relationship between living organisms. But, there is a moment, when stoping internal timing is essential. There is a moment when synchronization of body function are secondary. How and why internal timing needs to be transiently stopped will be discussed.
April 27
8:30 am
Designing a MOOC on time
2 pm
Designing and Proposals
6 pm
Talk with Massimo Canevacci
The ethnographic experiences of digital cultures and the syncretic mix of spacetimes
My paper will present an anthropological perspective on time through the key-concept of ubiquity: ubiquitimes. Digital cultures and communication are going to transform the classical distinction of space-and-time, favouring a decentred and non-linear experiences of spacetimes. A strong metaphorical use of this term has been used recently on web-culture. A shared affirmation is that the web is ubiquitous and so ubiquities characterizes internet´s space-time (human and not-human) relations. Ubiquitimes also expands a restless montage of syncretic concepts and polyphonic methods in digital culture. I’ll discuss the differences between the traditional avant-garde concepts of simultaneity and of the theological one of ubiquity. Than I’ll present the digital emergence and the contemporary different meanings of ubiquity as immanent inter-connections and inter-sections on times-and-spaces. Ubiquitimes play a logical-sensorial immanence of material/immaterial character; express tensions beyond hegemonic dualism or regressive dichotomous ratio. Ubiquitimes is the exact imagination potentiality connected to digital every-day life. I’ll select some empirical cases in order to demonstrate my hypotheses on auto-generative experiences of ubiquitous times (ubiquitimes) in different cultures and persons: a mythical Greek divinity (Kairos), a Swatch advertising, a Bororo funeral ritual, a post-Euclidean architect (Zaha Hadid), and finally the subjective experiences with digital technologies (multividual).
April 28
8:30 am
2 pm
6 pm
Talk with Scientific Committe
April 29
8:30 am
Closing report
2 pm
Time off
7 pm
Closing dinner with Neka Menna Barreto (for oficial participants and other guests)