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Newsletter #213

by Richard Meckien - published Jan 22, 2015 01:35 PM - - last modified Jun 04, 2020 09:33 AM

Issue 213 — April 10, 2015
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Minister of Education will participate in the Intercontinental Academia

Minister Renato Janine Ribeiro will be one of the conferencists of the first meeting of the Intercontinental Academia (ICA), which will start on April 17. Janine, who is a member of IEA-USP's scientific committee for the ICA, will address the future of the university. He will also meet with the 15 young researchers that will join the project.


Marina Silva will be one of the exhibitors at the opening of a course on the Amazon

The first lecture of the course Dialogues on the Amazon in Contemporaneity: Atelier of Ideas and Proposals, to be held on April 14, at 2 pm, will include an exhibition by environmentalist Marina Silva, affiliated to the PSB party and to Rede Sustentabilidade (Sustainability Network). The event will be broadcast live on the web.

Original Research Compares Career of Engineers in the 1990s and 2000s

The results of an original survey on the careers of 9,041 engineers under 25 years of age who entered the formal labor market between 2003 and 2012 will be presented at a seminar on April 15, at 10 am, at the IEA-USP's Events Room. The study is an initiative of IEA-USP’s Innovation and Competitiveness Observatory (OIC). By comparing the professional careers of engineers in the 2000s and in the period 1995-2002, the study found that, over the last decade, being an engineer in Brazil became worthwhile once again.

The Idea of Latin America that Historians Built and Disseminated

The first meeting of the Latin American Identities will focus on The Latin America of Historians, and will take place on April 15, at 4 pm, at the IEA-USP’s Events Room. The lecturer will be historian Antonio Mitre, from the Department of Political Science of Minas Gerais Federal University (UFMG). The event is coordinated by political scientist Bernard Sorj, a visiting professor at the IEA-USP. According to Sorj, the goal of the cycle is not “affirm or deny the validity of the existence of a Latin American identity or of the Latin American dream of a ‘great motherland,’ but rather to understand how the idea of Latin America was – and continues to be – built and disseminated, particularly by artists, intellectuals and social scientists.”




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