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Despite the invasion of the rectory’s building, IEA remains active

by Richard Meckien - published Oct 27, 2013 12:30 PM - - last modified Oct 29, 2013 10:22 AM

Since October 2 the IEA is unable to use its headquarters due to the invasion of the rectory’s building by students, a situation that causes huge losses to the academic and administrative activities of the institute. However, despite the difficulties, the IEA has been keeping a significant part of its work, thanks to the collaboration of other USP units, which have shared their facilites.

From the day after the invasion of the rectory’s building by students, occurred on October 1 during the University Council's meeting which decided on the changes in the electoral process at USP, the IEA has been unable to use its headquarters.

The damage to the academic and administrative activities of the institute has been immense. In addition to the deprivation of a workplace to visiting professors, study and research groups, and staff from all areas, there is no access to equipment, documents, files and other resources, be they physical or digital, all essential for the perfect functioning of the institute.

However, in spite of all these difficulties and in respect to its academic and institutional mission, the IEA has been keeping a significant part of its activities active by using borrowed facilities and auditoriums from other units at USP.

While this anomalous situation remains, all those who need to contact the institute should call +55 (11) 3091-4076, extension 24, or send an e-mail to the team member deemed appropriate.

The IEA wishes that the current negotiations between the invaders and the university leaders come to fruition as soon as possible, so that academic life returns to normalcy in the benefit of everyone.

Message of appreciation

Were it not for the invaluable support of some people and units at USP during this period, most of the academic and administrative activities of the IEA would not have been held.

The IEA is grateful for the effort of the Department of Library Science and Documentation of USP’s School of Communication and Arts (ECA) to house most of its staff, and the professor and member of IEA's Board Guilherme Ary Plonski, who kindly shared his office in the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting (FEA) to house IEA’s communication team.

The institute’s gratitude is extended to the following units and organizations that have put their auditoriums available for IEA’s public events: Electronic Computer Center, Sports Center, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University Center Maria Antonia, School of Communications and Arts, Faculty of Law, Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences, Institute of Psychology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Museum of Contemporary Art.