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Newsletter #218

by Richard Meckien - published Oct 21, 2015 03:50 PM - - last modified Jun 04, 2020 09:49 AM

Issue 218 — August 27, 2015
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Institutes create the Forum of Advanced Studies

Brazilian institutes and centers for advanced studies have created the Forum of Advanced Studies, a space for critical and creative action and reflection that intends to implement interdisciplinary studies and prospetive research. The initiative has been announced at the end of the 3rd National Meeting of Brazilian Institutes for Advanced Studies, held on August 11 and 12 at the Institute of Transdisciplinary Advanced Studies (IEAT) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

Astrophysicist Beatriz Barbuy is a new Board member of the IEA-USP

Beatriz Barbuy, a professor at the USP’s Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG), has been chosen by the University's President in July to take part in the IEA-USP's Board. Barbuy has graduated in Physics from the USP's Institute of Physics, earned a master’s degree in Astronomy from the IAG and a Ph.D. in Astrophysics from the Université Paris Diderot (France). She will fill the position that was opened with the end of the tenure of sociologist Sedi Hirano.

José Goldemberg appointed President of FAPESP

Physicist José Goldemberg, an honorary professor of the IEA-USP, has been appointed President of FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) by State Governor Geraldo Alckmin. The nomination was published in the "Official Gazette of the State of São Paulo" on August 22. Goldemberg replaces jurist Celso Lafer. The choice has been made from a list of three names that also included sociologist José de Souza Martins and physiologist Eduardo Moacyr Krieger.


Jeffrey Lesser, new visiting professor, will study cultural and health habits in São Paulo

"Metropolis, Migration and Mosquitoes: Historicizing Health Outcomes in São Paulo, Brazil" is the theme of the research that historian Jeffrey Lesser, from Emory University (USA), will conduct from October 1, 2015. The project will analyze data of the infections caused by yellow fever (19th century), dengue (20th century) and chikungunya (21st century) in two areas of the city: Luz / Bom Retiro and Liberdade / Cambuci.


IEA-USP participates in Event on Social Movements in Turkey

The workshop New Social Movements in Turkey and Brazil will be held on September 7 at Ipek University, Istanbul. The organizers are the IEA-USP, the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Institute (iFHC), the Istanbul Institute and the Brazil-Turkey Cultural Center. Sergio Fausto, executive director of the iFHC, Bernardo Sorj, a visiting professor at the IEA-USP, and Martin Grossmann, director of the IEA-USP, will be among the lecturers.

Seminar Discusses Education for Agroecology in Various Sectors

The concepts and practices related to education for agroecology will be discussed in the seminar Dialogues on Education in Agroecology, which will be held onSeptember 16, from 9 am to 5 pm (GMT -3), at the IEA-USP’s Events Room. Researchers and representatives of social movements and non-governmental organizations will attend. The meeting is organized by the Working Group on Agroecology of the IEA-USP’s Philosophy, History, and Sociology of Science and Technology Research Group.

José Luis Lezama Discusses the Outlook for Climate Negotiations

Scheduled for December in Paris, the 21st Conference of the Parties, COP-21, will attempt to reach a new, legally binding universal agreement on climate to limit global warming to less than 2°C. In order to discuss the possibilities of this agreement, the IEA-USP will host José Luis Lezama, a researcher from the Colegio de Mexico and an expert on environmental policy, who will give the conference Las Negociaciones Climáticas de Paris 2015 y el Futuro del Clima Planetario. The event will take place on September 17, at 3.30 pm (GMT -3), at the IEA-USP’s Events Room.




Diretor / Director: Martin Grossmann Vice-Diretor / Deputy Director: Paulo Saldiva Conselho Deliberativo / Board: Martin Grossmann, Paulo Saldiva, Eugênio Bucci, Guilherme Ary Plonski, Regina Pekelmann Markus, Ricardo Ohtake, Beatriz Barbuy, Renato Luiz Sobral Anelli, and Fernando de Queiroz Cunha. (+ 55 11) 3091-3922

BOLETIM IEA / IEA NEWSLETTER Divisão de Comunicação / Communication Division Chefe / Chief: Fernanda Cunha Rezende Redatores / Editors: Mauro Bellesa and Sylvia Miguel Versão em inglês / English version: Carlos Malferrari and Richard Meckien (+ 55 11) 3091-3922 Para receber, envie mensagem para / To subscribe send a message to Para cancelar o envio, escreva "Retirar" no "Assunto" da resposta / To unsubscribe write "Remove" in the "Subject" of your answer.