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Newsletter #236

by Richard Meckien - published Oct 21, 2015 04:45 PM - - last modified Jun 04, 2020 10:38 AM

Issue 236 — August 10, 2016
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Sergio Paulo Rouanet and Barbara Freitag discuss the 'uninterested pleasure of art'

"The Uninterested Pleasure of Art? From Kant to Walter Benjamin's Post-auratic Culture" will be the second meeting of the Olavo Setubal Chair of Arts, Culture and Science, taking place on August 15, at 2:30 pm, in the IEA Events Room. Sergio Paulo Rouanet and Barbara Freitag will address Walter Benjamin's theory of loss and recovery of the aura in the era of technical reproducibility from a reflection on the Kantian theory of art, formulated in Critique of Judgment (1790). Cremilda Medina, Jeanne Marie Gagnebin, Martin Grossmann and Willi Bolle will be the commentators. The discussion (Portuguese only) will be broadcast live on the web.

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.

Artist-educators debate the place and role of art in the university

A group of artist-educators will participate in a roundtable in order to discuss and contextualize the place and role of art in the university, and the university's role in encouraging and fostering culture in contemporary society. For the meeting "Art, Artist, University", to be held at 9:30 am on August 15 in the IEA Events Room, the attendances of Ricardo Basbaum, Rachel Garbelotti, Rubens Mano and Katia Maciel are confirmed. The event is part of the programme of the Olavo Setubal Chair of Arts, Culture and Science. The discussion (Portuguese only) will be broadcast live through the IEA website.

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.

Rouanet addresses the uniqueness and universality of knowledge

The relaxation of the frontiers of knowledge will be addressed by Sergio Paulo Rouanet on August 17, at 9 am, in the IEA Events Room, in another event of the Olavo Setubal Chair of Arts, Culture and Science. In "Science and its Frontiers", Rouanet will examine the various attempts made to overcome the internal borders within the field of science, the interface of science with religion, morality and politics, and the impact of national and cultural frontiers on science. The debate will have comments by Eugenio Bucci, Manuela Carneiro da Cunha and Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira. There will be live broadcast over the web (Portuguese only).

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.




Diretor / Director: Paulo Saldiva Vice-Diretor / Deputy Director: Guilherme Ary Plonski Conselho Deliberativo / Board: Paulo Saldiva, Guilherme Ary Plonski, Eugênio Bucci, Regina Pekelmann Markus, Ricardo Ohtake, Beatriz Barbuy, Renato Luiz Sobral Anelli, and Fernando de Queiroz Cunha. (+ 55 11) 3091-3922

BOLETIM IEA / IEA NEWSLETTER — Divisão de Comunicação / Communication Division Chefe / Chief: Fernanda Cunha Rezende Redatores / Editors: Mauro Bellesa and Sylvia Miguel Versão em inglês / English version: Richard Meckien (+ 55 11) 3091-3922 Para receber, envie mensagem para / To subscribe send a message to Para cancelar o envio, escreva "Retirar" no "Assunto" da resposta / To unsubscribe write "Remove" in the "Subject" of your answer.