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Newsletter #302

by Richard Meckien - published Oct 21, 2015 04:45 PM - - last modified Mar 08, 2024 09:17 AM

Issue 302 — May 26, 2022
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"Estudos Avançados" #105 discusses challenges and impasses of independent Brazil

The 105th issue of IEA's journal "Estudos Avançados" dedicates its main dossier to the discussion of significant aspects of Brazilian society and politics since the national independence. The analyses are linked to two central questions: What makes the ideas of sovereignty and modernity unique in Brazilian society? How has the dialectic between modernity and tradition materialized itself into actions, government plans, public policies, social thought, science, culture and education, and what are its consequences?


Project launches book on health and multispecies profile of the peripheries

The book "Multispecies Communities and Families: Contributions to One Health in the Peripheries" will be launched on June 1, at 10:00 am. The texts refer to two projects developed in the surroundings of USP: a household census and a set of interventions dedicated to the promotion of health. The book is a co-edition of the project Democracy, Arts, and Plural Knowledge (DASP) - linked to the Olavo Setubal Chair of Art, Culture, and Science -, One Health of Peripheries (OHP), and the publisher Amavisse. Watch live.

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.


At the launch of a book collection, Olavo Setubal Chair announces Conceição Evaristo as new holder

The Coordination of the Olavo Setubal Chair of Art, Culture, and Science announced writer and educator Conceição Evaristo as new holder on May 6. The announcement took place at the launch event of the four-book collection on the activities coordinated by the previous holders during the first quinquennium of the Chair. A participant in the meeting, Evaristo expressed that she hopes to merge what she can offer as a writer and as a person with the very objective of the Chair. The inauguration will be in August.

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.


The transformations promoted by evangelical churches among the poor

"Why Evangelical Christianity Improves the Lives of the Brazilian Poor – A Case Report from Bahia" was the theme of the conference by digital anthropologist Juliano Spyer, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), on May 19. It was the sixth event of the 2021/22 Cycle of the Otavio Frias Filho Chair of Studies in Communication, Democracy, and Diversity. According to Spyer, discussing the evangelical reality is "like walking in a swamp undermined and potentiated by the moment, due to the participation of evangelicals in politics."

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.


May 31, at 5:00 pm - Strengthening Representative Democracy

This debate will address the crisis of representative democracy and its capture by populist leaders. For the organizers, the root of the problem in Brazil lies in the plebiscitary presidential regime and the proportional voting system. Watch live.

June 1 to 5, daily from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm - Marina Week

A festival to celebrate the sea and discuss crucial issues for the future of the ocean. The programme includes seminars, panels, exhibitions, artistic shows, and other activities.

June 1, at 10:00 am - Launch of the book "Comunidades e Famílias Multiespécies: Aporte à Saúde Única em Periferias" ("Multispecies Communities and Families: Contribution to One Health in the Peripheries")

A conversation with some of the authors. The texts refer to two projects carried out around USP: a household census and a set of interventions dedicated to the promotion of health. Watch live.

June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, always at 11:00 am - Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Contributions from Research on the Brazilian Context

A series of webinars to launch the book "The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: What Brazilian Research Has to Say," which discusses the potential of the nexus approach for understanding and solving socio-environmental problems in the Brazilian context. Watch live.

June 2, from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm - Challenges from the Present Brazil for a Sustainable Future

This seminar will reflect on what has advanced in Brazil since the milestones of the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm and the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, as well as on the main challenges and perspectives to be faced by the country. Watch live.

June 3 and 8, at 3:00 pm - 1st Scientific Colloquium on Urban Space and Health: A Look at the Homeless Population (Parts 1 and 2)

A colloquium for the exchange of information and knowledge based on research on the homeless population that points to their individuals and issues related to urban space and health. Watch live.

June 7, at 3:00 pm - Conversations on Darwinian Theory (4th Meeting)

Professor Roberto Baldijão will present essential issues of his doctoral thesis "Quantum Darwinism and Contextuality," such as the physical principles behind the existence of this "Darwinism". Watch live.

June 8, from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm - 2nd Academic Meeting: Impacts of Environmental Sciences on the 2030 Agenda

A reflection on the 141 Brazilian postgraduate programs in environmental sciences based on the social, environmental, economic, and institutional dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals. Watch live.

June 10, at 10:00 am - 2023 Agenda– What Needs to Be Done so that the Brazilian Education System Trains People Prepared to Promote ST&I in the Country?

A webinar on measures to expand and diversify the training of researchers and qualified professionals for ST&I in Brazil and which public policies should be structured for this purpose. Watch live.





Diretor / Director: Guilherme Ary Plonski Vice-Diretor / Deputy Director: Roseli de Deus Lopes Conselho Deliberativo / Board: Guilherme Ary Plonski, Roseli de Deus Lopes, José Eduardo Krieger, Sergio Adorno, Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, Nina Ranieri, Luís Reynaldo Ferracciú Alleoni, Luciana Santos Barbosa, Antonio José da Costa Filho, and Valtencir Zucolotto. (+ 55 11) 3091-3922

BOLETIM IEA / IEA NEWSLETTER — Divisão de Comunicação / Communication Division Chefe / Chief: Fernanda Cunha Rezende Redator / Editor: Mauro Bellesa — Estagiário / Intern: Beatriz Hermínio Versão em inglês / English version: Richard Meckien (+ 55 11) 3091-3922 Para receber, envie mensagem para / To subscribe send a message to Para cancelar o envio, escreva "Retirar" no "Assunto" da resposta / To unsubscribe write "Remove" in the "Subject" of your answer.