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The direction of politics in the crisis scenario of personal relationships

by Richard Meckien - published Oct 02, 2014 06:15 PM - - last modified Oct 09, 2015 06:06 PM

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Is Politics Draining Away? is the theme of the seminar that IEA-USP’s Research Group The Future Questions Us will hold on October 14, at 3 pm, in the Institute’s Event Room. It will be the third meeting of the cycle Life Today: Love, Art, Politics.

At the seminar, philosopher Renato Janine, a professor of USP’s Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) and coordinator of the group, and anthropologist Massimo Canevacci, a visiting professor at the IEA-USP, will discuss the future of politics in the present context of deep changes in personal relationships, marked by a radical crisis of connection with each other.

Among the issues to be discussed there are:

  • Why do politicians keep distance from contemporary life?
  • Is the chance of renewing politics related to the fast change of manners?
  • What is the future of politics, since it seems so distant from the problems linked to the private sphere?


The event will be broadcast live on the web.


Opened in August, the cycle of seminars Life Today: Love, Art, Politics encompasses four monthly meetings. In the upcoming and last seminar, Janine, Canevacci and philosopher Olgária Matos, all members of the Research Group The Future Inquires Us, will discuss the abandonment of metaphorical thinking in favor of literal language.

Matos, who is a professor at FFLCH and coordinator of IEA-USP's Humanities and the Contemporary World Research Group, will not participate in this second meeting.