Open call for IEA-USP's visiting professor program 2015
Researchers from international universities who wish to apply for the visiting professor program in 2015 can already submit their projects to the Institute.
The applicants must be international researchers of recognized merit, interested in conducting interdisciplinary research and contributing in a unique way with science, culture and society, having the potential to develop various academic activities at the IEA and USP. The submissions will go through the evaluation of the Institute's Board.
After the approval of the visiting professor, the Institute will seek funding for grants, be it from the university (Resolution No. 5.910/2011), from research funding agencies (Capes, Programa Ciência sem Fronteiras, CNPq, Fapesp) or from external resources.
All research projects will be reviewed by the IEA-USP's Board and should preferably follow the research lines of Institute's groups. The information requested on the application form must be provided within the project.
The stay's length may vary from one month to one year with a possible extension for another year. At the end of the research period, the visitors should submit a report of the performed activities and the obtained results.
The IEA-USP has received visiting professors since its foundation in 1986. Names like Agustín Cueva, Richard Morse and Peter Burke have developed research among us. The complete list of visiting professors and their projects is available here.