Researchers analyze the new edition of the dietary guidelines for Brazilians
Prepared by the Ministry of Health to guide Brazilians towards a healthy and balanced diet, the new Guia Alimentar da População Brasileira (2014 edition) will be available for public consultation until May 7. In order to display the guidelines and collaborate with the reflection of those who wish to contribute to the improvement of the text, IEA-USP’s Nutrition and Poverty Research Group and USP’s Faculty of Public Health (FSP) will hold the seminar “The New Dietary Guidelines of the Ministry of Health” on March 25, at 2 pm, in the Auditorium João Yunes at FSP.
The exhibitors will be Carlos Augusto Monteiro, professor at FSP and coordinator of USP’s Center for Epidemiological Research in Nutrition and Health (NUPENS), and Semírames Domene, professor at the Health and Society Institute of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and member of IEA-USP’s research group. The opening will be in charge of Victor Wunsch Filho, director of the FSP, and Ana Lydia Sawaya, coordinator of IEA-USP’s research group.
Developed with the support of NUPENS and the Pan American Health Organization (OPAS), linked to the World Health Organization (WHO), the guidelines are open to contributions at
The event will be broadcast live on the web.