IEA's Board announces the selected names for the sabbatical year
The Sabbatical Year Program of the IEA, established on June 19, already has its six selected professors to develop individual research projects at the Institute. The research will start from 2016.
The candidates have been chosen by the Institute's Board after consulting the IEA's Research Committee. The program members will have the support of the Dean for Research, which will allocate specific funding for each approved project.
The researchers and their research projects are:
Astolfo Gomes de Mello Araujo - "Ontology and epistemology of an (inter)discipline: Archaeology as a Paradigm of Interdisciplinarity and its Theoretical and Practical Implications";
Dária Gorete Jaremtchuk - "Artistic exile: Movement of Brazilian Artists to New York during the 1960s and 1970s";
Flavio Ulhoa Coelho - "History of Algebraic Thinking and its Didactic Splits";
Lucia Maciel Barbosa de Oliveira - "Contemporary Cultural Dynamics: Overlapping of Singularities, Collectives, Technologies and Cultural Institutions in the Common Perspective";
Maria de los Angeles Gasalla - "Future of marine-dependent societies: climate change, innequalities and cooperation in complex socio-ecological systems";
Rodolfo Nogueira Coelho de Souza - "Invention of an Opera: Pascal's machine in Pernaguá".
The program
The selected professors will conduct research at the IEA only, getting relieved of their activities, including teaching, at the unit or organ to which they are linked. Every professor in the exercise of a sabbatical year will have the following duties: to conduct at least one public lecture per semester and to produce a new and original paper or other outcome (book or work of art, for example). In the case of producing a paper, this will be published in the journal "Estudos Avançados" and / or the IEA website.
The next selection process should take place in the second half of 2016. Applicants should submit projects related to and / or referenced by the four meta-curatorships (Commons, Transformation, Glocal and Abstraction) that were established in 2012 by the Institutional Project. They must also show proof that their participation in the program has been approved by the department council - or equivalent - and by the congregation or their unit or organ of origin.