The Challenges to Agriculture from Climate Change
After discussing Brazil’s water crisis and energy matrix in the first two debates, the cycle Towards COP 21: The Groundwork to Paris will dedicate the third meeting to the challenges to agriculture posed by climate change. The event will be held on October 14, at 9:30 am.
The topic of debate will be Climate Change and Food Security: Will We Be Able To Feed 10 Billion People? Marcelo Vieira, from the Brazilian Rural Society, will be the speaker and moderator, and the panelists will be Paulo Faveret, from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES); Luiz Fernando Amaral, from Rabobank; and Weber Amaral, from USP’s Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture.
The main issues to be discussed are:
- How agriculture will feed 10 billion people
- How to reconcile the production of food, fiber and energy in a sustainable and conscious manner
- The role of agriculture as an important vector for adaptation and for reducing the emission of greenhouse gases
- Agriculture as a key element for generating income and reducing the impacts on urban environments in a scenario of climate change and of economic, political and environmental instability.
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The cycle Towards COP 21: The Groundwork to Paris – Climate Change, Adaptation, Solutions and Opportunities seeks to identify and discuss opportunities to change patterns of emission of greenhouse gases. Another goal is to make a contribution to the Brazilian government and to the negotiators who will participate in the Conference of Parties on Climate Change Conference (COP 21) to be held in Paris, from November 30 to December 11.
The organizers of the cycle are: University of São Paulo, the Interdisciplinary Climate Investigation center (INCLINE) and IEA’s Research Group Environment and Society. The project has the support of the Brazilian Chapter of the World Water Council, the Brazilian Network of the Global Compact (UNGC), Arquivos do Futuro and CPFL Energia. Three USP professors are in charge of the overall organization: Weber Amaral (Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture), Tércio Ambrizzi (Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences) and Pedro Jacobi (IEA, FE and Procam-IEE).