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The ethical implications in the use of electronic medical records

by Richard Meckien - published Oct 14, 2013 11:05 AM - - last modified Oct 14, 2013 11:03 AM

On October 16 the IEA will conduct a debate on ethical issues related to access and use of information from electronic medical records at USP.

Estetoscópio e computador‘Interaction between Information Technology and Ethics at the University’ is the theme of the roundtable that the IEA and USP’s Ethics Committee will hold on October 16, at 3 pm. The meeting will discuss the level of protection of the information stored in the electronic medical records of hospital and outpatient attendances made by USP, focusing on confidentiality of personal data of patients.

Among the aspects to be covered there are: safety of the information in internal networks of health care services; who has access to data; and the use of data in teaching and research, including publication in journals and presentation at scientific meetings.

The debate’s coordination and mediation will be in charge of Dalton Luiz de Paula Ramos, head of the Department of Social Dentistry of USP’s Faculty of Dentistry (FO) and member of the National Committee of Ethics in Research (CONEP).

Luiz Natal Rossi, professor at USP’s Polytechnic School (POLI) and director of the Informatics Department of the General Administration Coordination (CODAGE), Marco Antonio Gutierrez, president of the Brazilian Society of Health Informatics (SBIS) and director of the Informatics Service at the Hospital das Clínicas’ Heart Institute, linked to USP’s Faculty of Medicine, and Sergio Surugi Siqueira, professor at the Department of Pharmacy and dean of the School of Health and Biosciences, both at PUC-PR, and member of Conep, will attend the debate.

The event will take place in Auditorium 2 of the Institute of USP’s Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG).

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