The transformations of the individual in the context of accelerated temporality
Time Acceleration and Post-Democracy: Violence and Communication is the theme of the seminar that IEA’s Humanities and the Contemporary World Research Group will hold on October 1, at 2 pm, in the Institute’s event room.
According to philosopher Olgária Matos, professor at USP’s Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences and coordinator of the research group, the idea is to analyze the time dimension in the contemporary world and to question “what is temporal and what is timeless in modernity". To do so, the meeting will discuss the metamorphosis of the individual due to technological innovations, focusing on the acceleration of the pace of life process.
“The intention is to understand the new figures of otherness, identity and interiority of the new individual, particularly in relationships that require an extensive and qualitative temporality, such as love, friendship or parenting,” she explained.
The theme will be addressed from three analytical perspectives: the thought of French philosopher Henri Bergson on body and memory, the phenomenon of digital culture, and the film "The Strange Case of Angelica," by Portuguese filmmaker Manoel de Oliveira.
The exhibitors will be philosopher Rita Paiva, a professor at the Federal University of São Paulo’s School of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (EFLCH), sociologist Mauro Rovai, also from the EFLCH, and anthropologist Massimo Canevacci, a visiting professor at the IEA-USP. Mediation will be in charge of Matos.
The event will be broadcast live on the web.
Image: Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" (1927).