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Renato Janine Ribeiro

by Richard Meckien - published May 20, 2014 06:21 PM - - last modified Dec 16, 2015 10:51 AM

Renato Janine RibeiroRenato Janine Ribeiro is Doctor of Philosophy from the University of São Paulo in 1984. He holds a title of full professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at USP, which was kept after his retirement in August 2011. He has been the representative of the full professors in the University Council. He has received several awards, including a Jabuti for best essay (2001). He was member of the Board of CNPq (1993-7) and the Council of SBPC (1997-9), and secretary of SBPC (1999-2001). As Director of Assessment of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), he directed the triennial evaluations of more than 2,500 courses of mastership and doctorship in Brazil in 2004 and 2007. In March, 2015, Janine was nominated minister of Education by Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff.

Research group: The Future Inquires Us

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