Maritta Koch-Weser (coordinator) Anthropologist and environmentalist. Founder and president of Earth3000, an international non-profit organization based in Germany which supports innovations for environmental and development governance. Resume kochweser@gexsi.org
José Pedro de Oliveira Costa (vice-coordinator) Professor at the University of São Paulo, Advisor of the Secretariat of Environment of the State of São Paulo and member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Resume (in Portuguese) jpocosta@terra.com.br
Warwick Manfrinato Holds a Masters degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture - CENA (2002). Currently researcher at the University of São Paulo. Widely experienced in Agronomy. Resume (in Portuguese) warwick@manfrinato.com.br
Maria de Lourdes Davies de Freitas Architect specialist in environmental studies and technical director of the Imah (Institute of Development and Management of the Environment). Resume (in Portuguese) daviesfreitas@uol.com.br