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Getting Post 2010 - Biota/Fapesp

by Marilda Gifalli - published Sep 19, 2013 12:00 PM - - last modified Sep 19, 2013 12:00 PM

11 a 15 de dezembro de 2010


The 2010 Biodiversity Targets, as well as the Brazilian 2010 Biodiversity Targets, will not be achieved, either because it is not possible to scientifically demonstrate a “significant reduction in the rates of biodiversity loss” with the current status of knowledge, or because the time lag between actions on increasing biodiversity conservation and measurable impacts may be of decades, perhaps centuries. On the other hand it is well known that most of the direct drivers of biodiversity loss, such as land use change, climate change, pollution, and invasive alien species, have been increasing since 2001, when the targets were established.

Nevertheless, the 2010 Biodiversity targets, had an extremely positive effect of lifting biodiversity conservation to the top of the international agenda, triggered the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and led the Convention on Biological Diversity to promote and intensify initiatives like the Protected Areas Program and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation.

Participation of the Vera Lúcia Imperatriz Fonseca in this Workshop

Therefore, it is of paramount importance, and urgent, to establish new, measurable, accountable and scientifically meaningful targets, objectives and specific measures to commit governments with a radical departure from previous approaches at national, regional and global to ensure preserving not only human related ecosystem services but also biodiversity’s intrinsic values.

The BIOTA/FAPESP Program, together with the Brazilian Academy of Science/ABC and the Brazilian Society for the Development of Science/SBPC, decided to mark the ending of the International Year of Biodiversity /IYB and the beginning of the International Year of Forests organizing the International Conference Getting Post 2010 Biodiversity Targets Right, aiming to contribute to the establishment new and effectively measurable and scientifically meaningful targets.

The meeting will focus in four main themes:

1) Post 2010 Biodiversity Targets: ecosystem versus evosystem services an evolutionary perspective to understand the links between biodiversity and human-well-being, considering ecosystem services only from human utility point of view;

– to discuss the danger of not having

2) National and International Interoperability among Biodiversity Information Systems hundreds of Biodiversity Information Systems have been developed world wide and GBIF represents a major effort to bring together biodiversity data bases, but we have to increase interoperability and data sharing able to use these as a powerful tool to monitor the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures;

– in the last decade

3) Metagenomics as a tool to asses micro-biodiversity has been, systematically, underestimated and may play a key role in ecosystem functions and therefore in ecosystem services;

– an increasingly important dimension of biodiversity that

4) Impacts of Local & Global Changes on the Atlantic Rain Forest International Year of Forest (2011) focusing in a local problem of international relevance, since the Atlantic Rain Forest is a biodiversity hotspot and the most endangered Brazilian forest.

– linking already with the start of the