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The Geopolitics of Disinformation: Reports on the Summer Academy in Bonn, Germany

por Sergio R V Bernardo - publicado 28/11/2022 18:10 - última modificação 28/11/2022 18:10

Based on reflections brought up at the Academy of International Affairs NRW, which took place in Bonn, Germany, researchers have gathered at this event to address topics such as fake news and artificial intelligence (AI), conspiracy theory in social networks, disinformation and the use of WhatsApp in elections, and transparency of AI systems. Some of those present at the meeting in Bonn and the coordinator of the Academy, Britta Padberg, have joined the activity.


Guilherme Ary Plonski
Eugênio Bucci
Britta Padberg
Magaly Prado
Sergio Barbosa
Renato Laranjeira de Pereira
Daniel Thilo Schroeder


Oscar Sala Chair

21/11/22 10:00


2 hours and 22 minutes.


Alfredo Bosi Room, Rua Praça do Relógio, 109, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo

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