Faisal Ahmed
Graduate Research Assistant University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. (May 2009 - present) Current project: Current project focuses on realizing a spin valve based electrical output for Nanomagnet Logic (NML). Development of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) stacks and magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ) using magnetron sputtering systems for nanomagnet logic (NML) applications. Optimization of reactive ion etch and sputter etch processes for dielectrics and magnetic metals. Magnetic annealing of sputtered GMR stacks to introduce exchange bias. Design and development of novel fabrication techniques for nanoscale MTJ and GMR structures. Magnetic and electrical characterization of MTJ and GMR structures. Fabrication of ultra-dense nanomagnets (with sub-10-nm spacing) using double e-beam lithography technique. Micromagnetic simulation of NML elements and NML I/O interfaces. Failure analysis of NML circuits. Modification of a probe station and electronic setup to perform magneto resistance measurement. Development of an UHV magnetic annealing system for introducing exchange bias in GMR structures. Operation and maintenance of a sixteen target UHV sputtering system. |
275 Fitzpatrick Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA
Phone: +1 574 855 0670
Grupo de Pesquisa Qualidade da Democracia
- Conference: The International Politics of Economic Globalization and Emerging Market Economies, 19 e 20 de março de 2015.