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Laura Silvia Valente de Macedo

por Larissa Barreto Cruz - publicado 15/12/2022 16:46 - última modificação 25/09/2024 13:27


LAZARO, L.B. ; GIATTI, L. ; MACEDO, L. S. V. ; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, J.A.(eds). Water-Food-Energy Nexus and Climate Change in Cities. Springer (no prelo). https://www.amazon.com.br/Water-Energy-Food-Nexus-Climate-Change-Cities/dp/3031054717/ref=sr_1_10?qid=1649290183&refinements=p_27%3AJose+Puppim+de+Oliveira&s=books&sr=1-10

MACEDO, L. S. V., PICAVET, M.E.B., OLIVEIRA, J.A.P., SHIH, W. 2021. Urban green and blue infrastructure: A critical analysis of research on developing countries. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 313, 2021, 127898, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127898.

MACEDO L. S .V., JACOBI P. R. 2019. Subnational politics of the urban age: Evidence from Brazil on integrating global climate goals in the municipal agenda. In Acuto M, Setzer J, Robin E, Ljungkvist K (eds), The Politics of an Urban Age collection. Palgrave Communications.  Publicação online – Open Access Disponível em https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-019-0225-x

BARBI F., MACEDO L. S. V., 2019. Transnational municipal networks and cities in climate governance: Experiments in Brazil. In Jeroen Van der Heijden J, Bulkeley H, Certoma C (eds). Urban Climate Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Links Relacionados:

FAO no Brasil - https://www.fao.org/brasil/pt/

ICLEI global - https://iclei.org/en/Home.html e ICLEI-SAMS - https://americadosul.iclei.org/

IPBES –www.ipbes.net

IPCC reports https://www.ipcc.ch/reports/

OECD – Multi-level governance : https://www.oecd.org/regional/multi-levelgovernance.htm

Relatório sobre Florianópolis para banco de dados em governança colaborativa da Utrecht University. Disponível em https://collaborativegovernancecasedatabase.sites.uu.nl/cases/

RUAF – parceria internacional para agricultura urbana - https://ruaf.org/

SDGs sustainable development goals: https://sdgs.un.org/goals

SDSN- Sustainable Development Solutions Network - https://www.unsdsn.org/now-is-the-time-for-action-scientists-identify-pathways-to-meet-global-biodiversity-targets?

UNEP – Nature-based solutions : https://www.unep.org/nature-based-solutions-climate

UN-Habitat - https://unhabitat.org/

WRI Ross Cities - https://wrirosscities.org/ e WRI Cidades - http://wricidades.org/research/
