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by Richard Meckien - published Apr 09, 2013 12:05 PM - - last modified Jan 05, 2018 03:19 PM

Member of UBIAS - University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study Network

Ilustração do evento da Ubias em VancoucerMeeting of IASs in Vancouver discusses the global expansion of knowledge

The IEA will participate in the biennial conference of UBIAS (University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study), a network that brings together advanced study institutes affiliated with universities on all continents, from September 17 to 19 in Vancouver. The host institution of the meeting is the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of British Columbia.

Photos - Steering Committee Meeting

Photos - UBIAS Conference - Day 1

Photos - Peter Wall IAS's Facilities

Video - Interview with Rogério Meneghini for the Panel 'Curating Knowledge'


Prováveis vítimas de arma químico em Douma, Síria

Ethics and attack: the response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria

While the American Congress decides on the authorization for Barack Obama to determine an attack against military installations in Syria in response to evidence of use of chemical weapons by the troops of Bashar al-Assad, that have caused the death of 1,400 civilians, the IEA and the IRI will hold the roundtable ‘Ética e Ataque’ (‘Ethics and Attack’) on September 11 at 10 am in IEA’s event room.



Capa Revista 78 - 2Issue 78 of IEA’s journal explores the relationship between public health and nutrition

The 78th issue of IEA’s journal ‘Estudos Avançados’ highlights texts dealing with two intertwined themes that are in tune with the current demands of Brazilian society: public health and the improvement of nutritional standards.



Manifestantes na cobertura do Congresso Nacional - 3The causes and impacts of the June street events in Brazil

After the great demonstrations that took over the streets of the major Brazilian cities in June, some analysts commented that they would tend to fragment into dozens of events with specific guidelines for various social segments.