Seminar Discusses Strategies of Political Intervention for Environmental Governance
Global Environmental Change, Planning and Public Policies is the name of the seminar that the IEA’s Public Policies, Territoriality and Society Research Group will hold from March 23 to 27, from 9 am to 6 pm, at the Institute’s Events Room.
The meeting will discuss the potential and challenges of policy interventions for environmental governance and territorial planning, focusing on the role of civil society, on policy interventions based on scientific research, and on the tensions between governmental and non-governmental players in the decision-making process.
The first three days of the meeting will be devoted to lectures, debates and workgroups on the three areas of discussion: environmental changes; participation and planning; and public policies. On the fourth day, the Public Policies, Territoriality and Society Research Group will present the academic activities it has been developing at the IEA. On the last day, theme-based workgroups will meet in interdisciplinary research workshops with the participation of professors, researchers and graduate and undergraduate students.
Lecturers include members of the Research Group, professors at USP’s School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EACH) and members of the Grupo de Trabajo Cambio Ambiental Global, Cambio Climático, Movimientos Sociales y Políticas Públicas do Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (Clacso).
The organization of the event is headed by Neli Aparecida de Mello-Thery, professor at EACH and coordinator of the Research Group; Vivian Urquidi, professor at EACH and at the Graduate Program in Latin American Integration (PROLAM); and Suzana Lourenço and Luciana Borges, both doctoral students in Geography at USP’s Department of Geography.
The seminar has the support of the Political Geography Laboratory (GeoPo), of PROLAM, of the Center for Research in International Affairs (Nupri) and of the Geography Department, all of them from the University of São Paulo; and of Clacso.
The event will be broadcast live on the web.