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Carlos Roberto Ferreira Brandão is the new deputy director of the IEA-USP

by Richard Meckien - published Jan 08, 2014 05:55 PM - - last modified Jan 08, 2014 06:01 PM

The zoologist was chosen by rector João Grandino Rodas in late December from a list of three names.

Carlos Roberto Ferreira BrandãoCarlos Roberto Ferreira Brandão, professor of USP's Museum of Zoology (MZ), is the new deputy director of the IEA- USP. He was chosen by rector João Grandino Rodas in late December from a list of three which also contained the names of professors Paulo Saldiva, from USP's School of Medicine, and Luiz Nunes de Oliveira, from the Institute of Physics of USP's campus in São Carlos.

Brandão holds a PhD in Zoology from USP's Institute of Biosciences, where he also studied for his Masters and as an undergraduate. He became full professor in 1995. He has been professor at the MZ since 1999, being the curator of the collection of Hymenoptera insects (order which includes bees, wasps and ants) of the institution. He was director of the MZ (2001-2005), where he currently is a professor and advisor of the Graduate Program in Zoology. He also serves the Graduate Program in Entomology of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of USP's campus in Ribeirão Preto.

The zoologist joined the Executive Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) (2010-2013) and chaired its Brazilian Committee (2006-2010). He was president of the Organizing Committee of the ICOM International Conference 2013 in Rio de Janeiro and organizer of the ICOM South-South Museums Dialogue, also in 2013. He is associate researcher at the American Museum of Natural History. He participates in editorial boards of national and international journals and in cultural entities' councils, as well as in USP's Council for International Relations and the Sectorial Chamber of Museums of the Secretary of Culture of the State of São Paulo.