Entrevista de José Álvaro Moisés a revista "Sanlien LifeWeek" (China) — 27/06/2013
O cientista político José Álvaro Moisés, coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa Qualidade da Democracia do IEA e diretor científico do Núcleo de Pesquisas em Políticas Públicas (Nupps) da USP, concedeu entrevista à revista chinesa "Sanlien LifeWeek" (edição de 27 de junho de 2013) sobre as causas das manifestações que eclodiram pelas ruas do país.
Abaixo estão as perguntas feitas pelo jornalista Zou Shan ao pesquisador brasileiro, em inglês. A página da revista impressa (em mandarim) que cita as declarações de Moisés pode ser vista em seguida.
Zou Shan — Some suggesting that President Rousseff’s impeachment will bring an end to the “corruption, diversion of public funds and the devastation of health, infrastructure, education and security, while others insist that naming the president as the scapegoat is both unfair and an oversimplification of the problem at hand—one that instead is based on long-standing history of corrupt officials and poorly functioning institutions. As far as you’re concerned, where do the problems originate from? And why?
José Álvaro Moisés — In the first place, it is necessary to clarify one aspect: the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff was not part of the demonstrators´ demands. This is not at all part of the discussions raised by the protest movements. What the students and other social sectors were saying is that the government has failed in deliverying some fundamntal public services as urban transportation, health and education; and more than that, there was a clear complain about the widespread fenomenon of corruption in the country. The context of the mass demonstrations - which had the participation of more than 2 millions people all over the country in the last three weeks - is the deterioration of the economic panorama; Brazil´s economic growth in the last year was less than 1%; inflation is back and the government is almost lost about what industrial policy it should adopt. This imply a risk of unemployment in the short run, and all these factors were in mind of many participants of the demonstrations. On the other had, it is also necessary to take into consideration that the demonstrations were protagonized by "the sons" of the recent Brazilian democracy; they were born after 1988, when the new Constitution was promulgated and they want to take advantage of the freedom and liberties that were granted by this new political institutionalization, they want more transparency and the end of the era of corruptio. And as they say, political parties are far away from the popular aspirations and no longer represent well the people, and that is the reason why both the government and these political organizations were so much critized during the recent events in the country.