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Computational Cultures and Humanities

by Richard Meckien - published Dec 15, 2015 01:55 PM - - last modified Feb 16, 2022 04:30 PM

Are machines becoming humanized or are humans losing their humanity and becoming shortsighted products, as valuable as excessive and completely interchangeable, of which the world is full?

That is one of the questions that the Computational Cultures and Humanities will seek to answer with the development of their project at the IEA. Proposed by professor Teixeira Coelho, the group will discuss the contemporary reality of computer and digital cultures, and mediated or self-produced cultural production in a context in which robots work replacing the manual labor of the humans and advance towards replacing their intellectual work by means of artificial intelligence.

The group intends to submit a suggestion of adequacy of their new ways of teaching and doing research to the University, open a field of study focused on the new cultures and humanities, and create a new didactic and pedagogical format materialized in a graduation course. Thus, it aims to reflect on the operation of the platforms of digital knowledge, collaborative research, distance learning, evaluation of non-classroom learning, and the ability of maintaining intellectual and economic autonomy of the university before the new and powerful information conglomerates.

The Computational Cultures and Humanities was created on October 9, 2015, after having its project approved by the Institute's Board at their 179th meeting. The project can be accessed here (Portuguese version only).