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Intercontinental Academia - Talk with Massimo Canevacci

por Aziz Salem - publicado 04/05/2015 11:47 - última modificação 18/09/2019 22:55

The ethnographic experiences of digital cultures and the syncretic mix of spacetimes. The talk presented an anthropological perspective on time through the key-concept of ubiquity: ubiquitimes. Digital cultures and communication are going to transform the classical distinction of space-and-time, favouring a decentred and non-linear experiences of spacetimes. A strong metaphorical use of this term has been used recently on web-culture. A shared affirmation is that the web is ubiquitous and so ubiquities characterizes internet´s space-time (human and not-human) relations. Ubiquitimes also expands a restless montage of syncretic concepts and polyphonic methods in digital culture. Canevacci discussed the differences between the traditional avant-garde concepts of simultaneity and of the theological one of ubiquity. Than he presented the digital emergence and the contemporary different meanings of ubiquity as immanent inter-connections and inter-sections on times-and-spaces. Ubiquitimes play a logical-sensorial immanence of material/immaterial character; express tensions beyond hegemonic dualism or regressive dichotomous ratio. Ubiquitimes is the exact imagination potentiality connected to digital every-day life.