2020-2024 Management Program
Director Guilherme Ary Plonski and deputy director Roseli de Deus Lopes, responsible for formulating the 2020-2024 management program for the Institute.
Professors Guilherme Ary Plonski and Roseli de Deus Lopes were elected to the positions of directors of the IEA for 2020-2024 after obtaining 94 votes from members of the institute's electoral college on March 10, 2020.
Plonski was the deputy director of the Institute for the previous four years, and is a professor at USP's Polytechnic School (EP) and at the School of Economics, Business, and Accounting (FEA). Lopes is also a professor at EP.
To dispute the votes, the elected representatives have presented the management program "Innovation, Excellence, Openness." There were no competing candidates.
In their management program, the pair proposes greater emphasis on the academic mission of the Institute as a place for critical reflection, a sensor of advancements on the international border of knowledge, and an incubator of propositional ideas.
They also argue that the IEA should incorporate a study platform to better understand the global challenge of technological disruption and elaborate systemic proposals to deal with this scenario.
The program considers that the priority of developing the theme "University in Transformation" at the IEA should be maintained in order to discuss how academia can contribute to societies dealing with some of the major global challenges, such as the risks arising from technological disruption and the growing polarization in the field of ideas.