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CLOSED - Call for researchers - USP Global Cities Program

by Richard Meckien - published Oct 04, 2018 05:20 PM - - last modified Dec 20, 2022 11:39 AM

The USP Global Cities Program has launched its fifth public call for postdoctoral researchers and collaborators. The objective is to contribute to the improvement of research, and to the scientific and technological excellence of the University, as well as to enable the formation of groups of national and foreign researchers focused on urban issues, integrating networks of studies and international research. The generation of applications, experiments, and solutions that become subsidies for the necessary transformations in the urban context is seen as a desirable consequence of the participation of new researchers in the program.

The researchers should present an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective in their projects, intensifying the dialogue and interaction between social and human sciences, experimental sciences such as mathematics and computing, physics, chemistry, biology, and all their technological aspects, and environmental sciences and sustainability. The proposals should consider the complexities of cities and the 2050-projection.

Since the IEA-USP is an interdisciplinary environment, the participants will be given the possibility of developing innovative research projects, establishing academic connections, and entering the various research networks to which the Institute and other units are related.

  • Deadline for the submission: December 19, 2022, at 10:00 am (GMT -3);
  • Announcement of selected projects: March 9, 2023;
  • First meeting: March 23, 2023.


Postdoctoral Programme

Its general objective is to improve the level of the scientific and technological excellence at USP. Its specific goal is to further enhance advanced research skills of postdoctoral researchers under the supervision of an experimented researcher who needs to be a faculty member. The submitted projects have to be carried out in schools, institutes, museums, and other bodies belonging to the university.

  • Duration: from six months to one year.
  • Minimum workload: 20 hours per week; total of 960 hours


Research Collaborator Programme

Its objective is to stimulate the collaboration between researchers of USP and external faculty and non-faculty academics. The submitted projects have to be carried out in schools, institutes, museums, and other bodies belonging to the university. The collaboration proposal has to be submitted by a USP faculty member.

  • Applications must be submitted by an USP professor to the IEA-USP Research Committee.
  • Workload: minimum of 12 and maximum of 40 hours per week.
  • Duration: two years.


12 vacancies are being made available in this selection process. They can be occupied by both post-docs and collaborating researchers, and only one project will be selected per supervisor.


This call will not grant scholarships to selected researchers.

List of themes and supervising researchers at USP Global Cities

Please consult the supervisors before submitting a proposal.

Topic Involved Sustainable Development Goals Supervisor e-mail
Environmental planning with interface to urban planning 6-11-13-15 Amarilis Lucia Casteli Figueiredo Gallardo
Impact of graduate programs in environmental sciences on the 2030 Agenda All 17 Carlos Alberto Cioce Sampaio
Impacts of climate change on urban biodiversity, whether in the context of zoonosis or conservation
3-14-15 Carlos Arturo Navas Iannini
Collaborative and participatory actions for sustainable tourism development 8-11-12-16-17 Debora Cordeiro Braga

Relationship between water and sanitation, climate action and quality education

post-docs only

4-6-13 Eduardo Mario Mendiondo¹

Data science for health and urban mobility

post-docs only

3-5-10-11 Fábio Kon
The municipality as the orchestrator of entrepreneurial ecosystems and local innovations 8-9-17 Felipe Borini
Sustainability in urban public spaces 11 Fraya Frehse

Sustainable municipalities: cities and gender equality

post-docs only

5-11 Janina Onuki
SDGs and knowledge translation? Device usability assessment for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda All 17 Marco Akerman
Socioeconomic and environmental inequality; ways of life, uses, and socio-ecological interactions; public policies and socio-environmental sustainability; territories and social inequalities; social research 1-2-10-11 Maria da Penha Vasconcellos
Tourism 5-10-11
Mariana Aldrigui
Health and environment: air pollution, urban transport, built environment, climate change 11-13 Nelson Gouveia
Emergency and climate justice, environmental governance, and water security 6-7-11-13 Pedro Jacobi
Circular economy: evaluating the technical feasibility of using textile waste discarded by industries in the manufacture of new products 12 Regina Sanches
Leisure and sectoral policies: interfaces with the development of cities 3-11 Ricardo Ricci Uvinha
Challenges and practices in the universalization of basic sanitation; sustainability indicators in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda 6-11-17 Tadeu Fabrício Malheiros¹
Social and environmental justice and access to water; governance and popular participation in social and environmental forums 6-11-13-16 Wagner Costa Ribeiro
Environmental quality; new proposals for environmental sanitation; sustainable cities and communities with an emphasis on solid waste and disasters; sustainable consumption and production, and local and regional development 3-6-11-12 Wanda Maria Risso Gunther

¹ A professor at USP's campus in São Carlos

Submit your project

Use this form for your submission


Selected candidates must develop a strategic action plan for the period of their research project's conduction, consisting of activities distributed in the following axes:

  1. to hold at least one symposium aimed at the theoretical and methodological deepening on the topic of their research;
  2. to participate in the organization of UrbanSus seminars for advanced reflection on topics of interest to the USP Global Cities Program, aimed at disseminating advances in knowledge to the community;
  3. to prepare at least one digital article for publication on USP Global Cities Program's website;
  4. to submit at least one co-authored article for publication in a journal, book or book chapter;
  5. to collaborate with the expansion of scientific communication of the results of studies and research projects of members linked to the USP Global Cities Program.

Read the full call in Portuguese