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Public Policy, Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in South America

por Letícia Martins Tanaka - publicado 21/05/2021 13:20 - última modificação 06/05/2022 11:39

Public Policy, Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in South América

Pedro Leite da Silva Dias, Wagner Costa Ribeiro, João Lima Sant´Anna Neto and Jurandir Zullo Jr.

IEA, 2009
283 pages

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The book brings together the main topics discussed at the III Conference on Global Change in South America, promoted by the IEA in November 2007. More than 500 researchers participated in discussions and lectures on climate dynamics and the problems that climate change can generate, especially in human activities. Divided into four parts, the texts seek to approach global changes from different perspectives, such as public policy, international relations, migration, adaptation and consequences for natural ecosystems.
